Stabling Information

• Stalls will be available on the Show Grounds at $140.00 per stall. The full stall rental fee
must be included with your entry fee.
• The number of available stalls will be limited.
• Shavings may be purchased at $7/ bag and may be ordered on your entry form.
• Please indicate on the entry form if you plan to stable your horse on Sunday. There will be NO overnight camping or security on the grounds Sunday night, July 21, 2013. Stalls must be totally empty and cleaned by 8:00 AM, Monday July 21, 2014, as they will be taken down and removed at that time!!
• Please indicate if the stall is for a stallion.
• There will be no dismantling, cutting, marking, taping or otherwise damaging stalls.
• Nothing is to be hung from the stall overhang.
• Damaged stalls will be the responsibility of the competitor and be so charged.
• We request that all stalls be cleaned. A manure wagon will be available on the grounds.

Dogs: All dogs on the show grounds must be properly supervised and restrained by a leash. You must pick-up after your dog.

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